Friday, December 02, 2005


Arabian nights, Muslim prayers and fabulous hummus.

Yesterday and today have run incredibly smoothly; we spent the day yesterday getting to know Jordanian culture and herritage, which essntially means reliving and reviewing the entire accounts of the three monotheisitic religions as well as Roman history. The time travel was awesome, and the men only somewhat diapproving of our short sleeve shirts (no tank tops allowed) and our capri pants (no shorts allowed). We met many youth (both boys and girls) and recruited a terrifically educated travel guide whom spent the entire day with us. Favorite foods so far are olive oil drenched hummus, as well as lamb and yoghurt...and ofcourse the olives, the figs and the aubergines.
Today was a much anticipated journey to the hospital to set up our scene. The hospital is only four years old making it pretty easy to rig appropriate power for our machines. We have running water to wash our hands, and the space is well designed. What I would like to bring your attention to is the fact that none of our patients are Jordanians, and all of them are Iraqi. It's been a very nerve-racked day for the in-country volunteers as they have yet to cross the Iraqi/Jordanian border (on their way from Baghdad). We have no idea what's going on, except that the families are frightened, and feel they are risking their lives to give their child a better future by repairing a malformed face. We are at the mercy of the US milirary that they will get everyone here to Amman by tomorrow so that we can meet and screen them for surgery (at the hotel they are being put up in). I ask that you all pray for the safety, courage and strength of these dedicated volunteers, as well as the children and their parents as they travel accross the desert tonight...keeping the faith, Kim :)

HI Kim
Good luck and our Prayers are with you and all over there.
Karen, Doug and Kris
Hey Kim!!

Just logged on...this is amazing. I'm so glad that you're there safe and sound, and we're praying for you. I'm so proud of you...when you invest in the life of a child, you change the future. You go sista! :)

Love ya. Amy
Thanks for the update.We are certainly praying for you Kim and your team and will also pray that the patients and their families will have safe travels.Marjorie is here with us till tomorrow. Love Louise and Ralph and Marjorie
Kim thanks for the update. The work you are doing will be remembered for generations to come.May you have joy in your work my dear friend. Rick Bearden
My love and prayers are with you.It is a wonderful thing that you are doing.
Love Aunt Brenda
Kim what excitement. David and I add you to our prayers today as well as all those little lambs you and your team will help prepare for a better life. YOu for it girl.
Love Judy.
Kim - Deb sent this to me knowing I would join in prayer as I have. Have another marvelous adventure. God give you all the strength, courage and love you need as you give out to these precious Iraqis.
I will be praying. "Jesus loves all the little children of the world.", a children's song.
Hi Kim,

We were hoping to hear more today, but I guess we simply need to be patient. There is quite a large community praying for you and the children.

Love, Aunt Lynne & Uncle Crawford
Seriously Kim, I'm going to make a movie of your life! I love the adventure! You are an inspiration to all those around you. Thank you and God bless! Can't wait to hear more!
Luv Bree :)
Kim, you are in a very dangerous part of the world these days, and our thoughts and prayers will be with you until you are back to the safety of North America.
It is unfortunate that no matter how whorthwhile your project is in that part of the world, you are not exempt from being taken hostage or being mistreated. We pray that you, Kim return safely without any ill treatment. Please keep us on your update list.
Judy and Dave Kerr
Dave and Judy
Hey Kim, I love this Blogger thing. If I get my butt into gear I should set something like this up! On a more serious note. Russ Josh and I are thinking about you and while I'm not exactly the praying type you are in our thoughts and hearts!
Love Steph (NZ)
Hi Kim,
aubergine is another word for eggplant, right? Or zucchini? I have this indian food cookbook, published in England. I remember having to look up aubergine on the internet. What an awesome experience for you!
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